Computer Fundamental Practice Test No. 2 | कंप्युटर फंडामेंटल्स सराव परीक्षा – 2

कंप्युटर फंडामेंटल्स म्हणजे संगणकाची मूलभूत माहिती, ज्यामध्ये संगणकाचे हार्डवेअर, सॉफ्टवेअर, ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टिम्स आणि नेटवर्किंग यांचा समावेश होतो. संगणकाचे कार्य कसे चालते आणि त्याच्या विविध घटकांचे कसे समन्वय साधले जाते, हे समजून घेणे अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे आहे.

1. हार्डवेअर :- संगणकाचे भौतिक घटक, जसे की **कीबोर्ड**, **माउस**, **मॉनिटर**, **प्रोसेसर (CPU)** आणि **हार्ड डिस्क**. हे घटक संगणकाच्या कार्यप्रणालीसाठी आवश्यक आहेत.

2. सॉफ्टवेअर :- संगणकावर चालणारे प्रोग्राम्स. यामध्ये **ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टिम** (Windows, Linux, macOS) आणि अॅप्लिकेशन सॉफ्टवेअर (Word, Excel, Photoshop) समाविष्ट असतात.

3. ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टिम :- एक मुख्य सॉफ्टवेअर आहे जे संगणकाच्या हार्डवेअर आणि इतर सॉफ्टवेअरचे व्यवस्थापन करते.

4. नेटवर्किंग :- संगणकांना एकमेकांशी जोडून माहिती सामायिक करण्याची प्रक्रिया. नेटवर्किंगच्या माध्यमातून इंटरनेट, डेटा ट्रान्सफर, आणि कनेक्टिविटी मिळवता येते.

–         संगणकाच्या या सर्व घटकांची समज असणे तुम्हाला संगणकाचा अधिक प्रभावी वापर करण्यास मदत करते. **कंप्युटर फंडामेंटल्स** शिकणे हे आजच्या डिजिटल युगात अत्यंत आवश्यक आहे, कारण त्याने कार्यक्षमता वाढवण्यास आणि तंत्रज्ञानाचा उपयोग सुलभ होतो.

Point to Be Noted

परीक्षेचे नाव

Computer Fundamentals

परीक्षेचा प्रकार
ऑनलाईन सराव परीक्षा

परीक्षा क्रं.

पेपर – 02
परीक्षेची भाषा


एकूण प्रश्न

25 प्रश्न

प्रत्येक प्रश्नासाठी वेळ

60 सेकंद


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🔹 प्रश्नासोबत दिलेल्या वेळेत उत्तर देणे आवश्यक आहे.
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Computer Fundamental Practice Test No. 2

1 / 50

1. The F7 key is commonly used in Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc. for: ?

2 / 50

2. Which of the following symbols must be used before a formula in a Microsoft Excel sheet ?

3 / 50

3. In the context of computers, WORM is an acronym of: ?

4 / 50

4. Microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment __________ ?

5 / 50

5. In Microsoft Office 2016, which shortcut key is used to open the Design tab ?

6 / 50

6. Which of the following converts analogue information into digital form ?

7 / 50

7. Which of the following is a type of memory and is similar to RAM? It is used by computers to move data between the RAM and the CPU ?

8 / 50

8. In the field of computing, what does VGA stand for ?

9 / 50

9. What does HLL stand for in computing ?

10 / 50

10. In which year did the JavaScript Programming language come into existence ?

11 / 50

11. What is the full form of BASIC in context of the BASIC computer language ?

12 / 50

12. A region of computer memory where frequently accessed data can be stored for rapid access is called: ?

13 / 50

13. 1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 ______ ?

14 / 50

14. Which of the following is not a softcopy devices ?

15 / 50

15. _____ was a web browser developed by the National Centre for Supercomputing Application (NCSA) ?

16 / 50

16. A portable, personal computer, small enough to fit on your lap, is called a __________ ?

17 / 50

17. All computers must have ?

18 / 50

18. The first barcode system was developed by: ?

19 / 50

19. Super computer developed by Indian scientists ?

20 / 50

20. Which of the following is used to receive and send computer files over telephone lines ?

21 / 50

21. In which of the following countries was the first Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the first programmable general purpose electronic digital computer, developed ?

22 / 50

22. A computer system ?

23 / 50

23. Personal computers can be connected together to form a ?

24 / 50

24. Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers ?

25 / 50

25. A personal computer is designed to meet the computing needs of a(n ?

26 / 50

26. Ctrl, shift and alt are called _________ keys ?

27 / 50

27. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into ?

28 / 50

28. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed ?

29 / 50

29. When your computer stops working suddenly, it is referred to as a __________ ?

30 / 50

30. Who has developed the Automatically Programmable Tool (APT) ?

31 / 50

31. Supercomputers _______ ?

32 / 50

32. A central computer that holds collections of data and programs for many PCs, workstations and other computers is a(n) —— ?

33 / 50

33. Which of the following options correctly defines a firewall (in the context of computing) ?

34 / 50

34. In a computer, which unit is responsible for processing data and is also called the electronic brain of the computer ?

35 / 50

35. Laptops are ?

36 / 50

36. A hard disk is an example of which type of data storage device ?

37 / 50

37. A computer used at supermarkets, departmental stores and restaurant etc is called ______ terminal ?

38 / 50

38. Which of the following are computers that can be carried around easily ?

39 / 50

39. Which of the following consists of an electronic writing area and a special ‘pen’ that works with it ?

40 / 50

40. Which of the following pairs is NOT matched correctly ?

41 / 50

41. Who among the following invented the Computer language, COBOL ?

42 / 50

42. Who has created LISP, the Programming Language for Artificial Intelligence ?

43 / 50

43. In the world of Computers, what is ‘Ubuntu’ ?

44 / 50

44. Which of the following is a lever that can be moved in several directions to control the movement of an image on a computer monitor or similar display screen ?

45 / 50

45. In the field of computing, what does VRML stand for ?

46 / 50

46. A ________ is a large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users. ?

47 / 50

47. Which function key displays the Print Preview window in Microsoft Office ?

48 / 50

48. Which of the following is a very high-speed semiconductor memory which can speed up the CPU ?

49 / 50

49. Microprocessor was introduced in which generation of computer ?

50 / 50

50. Portable computer, also known as laptop computer, weighing between 4 and 10 pounds is called ?

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